Sunday, 20 May 2012

Horrible science

Popular book shop price $S99

Blog pirce: $80 (20% off)


"Perfect for keeping the kids occupied on a rainy day, this is full of useful tips…and fun, naughty experiments"(Really Rotten Experiments)
- The Independent (Review).

"With fantastic fact files, quirky quizzes, humorous cartoons and easy-to-understand text, it makes science pretty horrible, but great fun". (Horrible Science: Painful Poison)
- Evening Express (Aberdeen).

"Gruesome gut churning contents, you need a strong stomach to tackle this, and certainly before eating" (Deadly Diseases)
- Books For Keeps

"Nick Arnold has a reputation as quite a showman and his Horrible Science series provides him with plenty of opportunity for stunts. Children emerge wide-eyed and inspired".
- The Scotsman

Twenty titles from the best-selling series, presented in a bulging boxed set. This work features all the best-selling "Horrible Science" titles from A-Z - well from "Blood, Bones and Body Bits" to "Vicious Veg". The titles include: "Angry Animals"; "Blood, Bones and Body Bits"; "Bulging Brains"; "Chemical Chaos"; "Deadly Diseases"; "Disgusting Digestion"; "Evolve or Die"; "Fatal Forces"; "Frightening Light"; "Killer Energy"; "Microscopic Monsters"; "Nasty Nature"; "Painful Poison"; "Shocking Electricity"; "Sounds Dreadful"; "Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens"; "The Fight for Flight"; "The Terrible Truth About Time"; and, "Ugly Bugs Vicious Veg".