Monday, 20 February 2012

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 小屁孩日记 (Chinese and English versions)


小屁孩日2千年奶酪”, who touched the hundred-year old cheese?

小屁孩日3:好孩子不撒 Roderick Rules.

小屁孩日4偷鸡不成蚀把 Go for wool and come back shorn







Price:S$79/set; S$56/set

Author / Editor: 杰夫·金尼 Jeff Kinney
ISBN: 978-7-5405-4460-7, 9787540544607
小屁孩日记 Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Publisher: Xin shiji chubanshe -
Language: all books are bilingual Chinese-English
Date of Publication: 2011.01
First edition
Number of pages: 186-224
Dimensions: 21.6 x 15.3 cm
Binding: Paperback

Reading level: Ages 7-12

About  the series:

The books contain both the Chinese and English versions of the novel series.

About the Author

Jeff Kinney is an online game developer and designer, and a #1 New York Times bestselling author. In 2009, Jeff was named one of Time magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. He spent his childhood in the Washington, D.C., area and moved to New England in 1995. Jeff lives in southern Massachusetts with his wife and their two sons.
Parents reviews:

 1,My 8 year old son hated to read, no matter how much we worked with him he just wasn't interested. These Whimpy kid books has been the miracle we've been looking for. My son loves reading them and has such a strong interest. He reads so fast now so that he can get the next one of the series. He's on book #2 and almost finished and it's only been 3 weeks since I bought them. He'll have them all read before Christmas (which was suppose to be his Christmas presents, but we've had to give them to him early) and he loves reading at night in his room with his flash light. My son is very excited that #4 just came out that he rushed home to tell us. He doesn't know that we already have it waiting for him.

I hope the author writes more of these fantastic books for children!
2,I was a very avid reader by the time I was 9 and I tried tirelessly to get my 9 year to pick up a book to no avail, for him reading was a punishment. Then I got him "Diary of a wimpy kid" series for X-mas, he finished all four books in less than a month! Now in January I got him the last one for his birthday and three other books, and we have to tell him again and again to put the books down and do his stuff. Thank you Mr. Kinney, you made my son love books!

 3,It was hard to find a good book for my 7 yr old son to read and stick with it until his friend let him read the book and he fell in love with it. I ended up buying the set and he read all of them in less then a week! One morning he woke up extra early before school and started reading! Now that's a good book! I was amazed on how much he really liked them. Some may say they are not recommeneded for younger children because the main charecter lies, is a brat, and little things like that, but my son and I do like to talk about what happens in the books and he does understand right from wrong and how to treat people. So to me I personally think it's great book to teach life lessons on.

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